Archive for 2014

LCHF – What do I eat? Breakfasts (Part 2) (2014-5-13)

In my previous post about “What do I eat for Breakfast” I gave 2 examples of what I would typically eat at the office for breakfast. As promised I took a few more photos so you can see what else I eat for breakfast.  Remember only eat if you are hungry. Example #3: 2x Eggs 2x Beef […]

LCHF – Yoghurt Shoot Out (2014-5-11)

Yoghurt is your friend! High Fat / Double Cream is your BEST friend when it comes to this lifestyle! You can do so many things with yoghurt and depending on what yoghurt you get the results can either be good or great. Today we are going to do a bit of a “Yoghurt Shoot Out”. […]

LCHF – Condiment – Yoghurtnaise (Alternative Mayonnaise) (2014-5-9)

Mayonnaise – some people can’t stand it, other people smother their food with it. I was one of those people who enjoy it on food like salad and fish fingers/cakes. When one starts on a LCHF diet lifestyle you start to look at what different ingredients are in food. Mayonnaise is one of those foods that contains […]

LCHF – Snack – “Chocolate Mousse” Alternative (2014-5-8)

There are times when on this diet lifestyle that you will crave something like a pudding. It is natural! It happens to everyone. How you approach it is what matters. I would have cravings for chocolate. Luckily I have found something that satisfies the craving… High Fat “Chocolate Mousse”.  What you need: High Fat / […]

LCHF – What do I eat? Supper (2014-5-7)

Next in the series of “What Do I Typically Eat In a Day” we have Supper.   Now before you look at the photos and think what the hell plate is he eating off of let me explain…it is plastic plates.  I have two kids and they have Princess Sophia / Minnie Mouse / Pixar […]

LCHF – What do I eat? Lunch (2014-5-6)

Next in the series of “What Do I Typically Eat In a Day” we have Lunch.  Breakfast was published on this page. If there is one meal that I try not to skip it is lunch. Now I must state that I am fortunate enough to have a canteen at my workplace so I grab […]