14 March 2013 – LCHF Post Word Spreading!
When I started this blog in 2011 it was for both fun as well as information sharing purposes. It was literally about things that were coming “Out of my Mind”.
I would write up a few posts and then schedule for them to be published and then see how many hits I would get and you know whether it was 4 hits or 20 it really did not matter to me. What I found interesting however was to see how people stumbled across the site and what topics were interesting to them or not.
There was obviously a long gap from 2011 to today where I did not post – you can read about what I was up to during that time – but when I started blogging again it was really for the same reasons. Share information that I found interesting and just have fun doing it.
One of the topics I really enjoyed writing about was (and still is) my Diabetes journey, and how I was inspired to change my life around and see if I could somehow reverse what this terrible disease was doing to me. If you read my post “Diabetes – What If…” you would have read about Billy Tosh and Professor Tim Noakes who inspired me to try the LCHF diet lifestyle. Needless to say after my fantastic results both Billy and Tim were considered legends in my eyes – and life savers!
Yesterday, Friday 14 March 2013, I had a quick moment at lunch time to logon to the blog and just make sure all was still well. I checked the comments waiting for approval and saw there were 2 waiting…the first one was spam but the second one let me shout out a Homer Simpson “Whoo Hoo!” It was a comment from BILLY TOSH!!!
Oh My Word! I was so excited that he had somehow picked up my blog posts! I finally had a way of contacting him and asking a whole bunch of questions! I had a chance to finally thank him for sharing his story that made such a huge difference to my life! I am sure my staff thought I was crazy (ok more than usual) 🙂 .
Today. 15 March 2013, I finally had a chance to sit down and turn the PC on and put together a few posts when I noticed that my site stats had suddenly sky rocketed!
328 views in one day! Most of it from Twitter – I am not even on Twitter!
I did a Google search for “Twitter outofmymind.scanlen.com” and found that it was Billy who tweeted to Professor Noakes about my site!
All I want to say is “Thank you”.
Thank you Billy Tosh for sharing your story and in doing so enabling me to be finally off of my diabetic medication and feeling great! Also thank you for making contact with me, I promise to be in touch soon with all my questions 🙂 .
Thank you Professor Noakes for sharing with the world the LCHF way of living! I am sure that Billy and I are not the only ones in this world who lives you have changed by doing so! I believe that great things happen from small beginnings and the more people see what can be achieved by changing the small things in their life (like diet) the more great things it will lead to (like a better and healthier way of life). Thank you for sharing it with the world. Don’t stop believing!
And lastly a thank you my readers for visiting my site and sharing with me the things that are coming “Out Of My Mind”.
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