Android Apps – My 10 Must Haves
My friend Timon asked me what Android apps I can recommend for his soon to arrive HTC Desire Z.
That got me thinking, if I had to get a new Android phone, what apps would I definitely load from the start? Here is my list (and I reserve the right to change it any time) 🙂 of apps that I enjoy using on almost a daily basis.
PS: I have provided links to AppBrain’s website, which is an alternative to the Android Market. If you search the Market just make sure the icon you see here matches up with the one in the Market before just downloading…
10. TuneIn Radio 
This app allows you to stream your favourite radio stations, either via WiFi (watch that cap if you are on a capped plan) or 3G (if you REALLY need to listen to the radio). It features 1000’s of radios stations from both South Africa (5fm, JacarandaFM, Highveld Stereo, SAfm) and international (I like 181.FM The Office). The app can also be setup to act like a clock radio so you can wake up to streaming music.
9. SMSBackup 
Don’t you wish you had a backup of your SMS messages that you sent or recieved? Well now you can! Use your GMail account to backup your SMS to. A label will automatically be added to the messages so you can filter when accessing GMail. And it backs up automatically. One of those true install and forget about apps.
8. Amazon Kindle 
I saw how cool a Kindle E-Book reader was at one of the functions I attended; and when I browsed the Amazon website I saw that they had clients for Android, PC, Mac, iPad and iPhone. I downloaded it and have since purchased 3 books from the Kindle store and until purchasing a real Kindle E-Book reader gets higher up on my priority list, this will have to do.
7. PasswordCard 
I did a blog post about this concept of making passwords more secure and easy to remember/reference to. Have a look here on how this app can free up some memory brain cells.
6. Dilbert 
I dig Dilbert. There are some days cartoon that I swear he works/worked for the firm that I do. This app is the official app and allows booking of those favorite ones.
5. Gauge Battery Widget 
Seriously how is one to accurately see just how much battery there is left looking at that funny icon next to the time? With this app you can display how much is left using different types of gauges and you can even place an icon showing value of battery in numbers next to the standard Android battery icon.
4. Quick Settings 
This app allows turning features on and off EASILY from a central place. Want bluetooth on or off? Want to disconnect from the internet? Want to set phone to vibrate AND play ringtone on incoming calls? No Problem. One of those apps that just keep getting better with each new release.
3. 3G Watchdog 
Unless you have an unlimited 3G plan you need this app. You can setup how much data you want to spend for a period of time and this app monitors your 3G connection and keeps a log of it. As you near your limit it warns you – so no more nasty 3G bill surprises! If there is one app on this list that you MUST get it is this one.
2. OnTrack Diabetes 
Another app that I blogged about. If you are a diabetic this will help in keeping track of your disease. Read the blog post here.
1. Google Reader 
On the iPod Touch I use a brilliant free app called Feedler. Unfortunately the Android newsfeed readers that I tried out just could not compare to Feedler – in my opinion. So when Google released the Android app for Google Reader I was blown away. It is fast, syncs with my Google Reader online account (so marks them read online if I read the articles on the phone) and very easy to use.
So this is my list, tell me what are your favorite Android apps?
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