Computer Repair with Diagnostic Flowcharts (even for dummies!)

Sometimes the staff at my place of employment try and diagnose their own personal PC problems.

Sometimes they are lucky and fix it themselves. Other times (more often than not) they bring it into our office in a terrible condition (just short of loosing data or already lost data) for us to have a “quick” look (aka fix).

Well now troubleshooting has just becomes easier (and a lot less risky) thanks to Morris Rosenthal and his “Computer Repair with Diagnostic Flowcharts

To quote his site:

This page offers links to flowcharts for PC diagnostics, excerpted from my book. The non-active links are for charts that are included in the book but not available online. The published book contains seventeen flowcharts for computer diagnostics plus a short text for every chart expanding on the decision points. The troubleshooting process is the same for an expensive Sony or IBM, or a downmarket eMachines or Acer. Dell and HP (who purchased Compaq) manufacture desktop PC’s in a wide range of price points, but you have to go through the same troubleshooting steps for the cheap ones as the expensive ones if you want to correctly identify and repair the failure.

The eBook can downloaded anywhere in the world for $9.95 or the book can ordered from Amazon for $14.95, or from Amazon UK for £9.95 or through any retail store by the title “Computer Repair with Diagnostic Flowcharts Revised Edition” or ISBN which is: 0-9723801-7-5.


It is a good start if you are not technically minded and want to troubleshoot your own PC…before taking it to a pro  🙂

MadMike posted at 2011-3-11 Category: Interesting Finds

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