ASCII Art Generator

Typing xx&eHHm&HHx&eH might not look like anything initially, but put more together on a line and add a few more lines then you can end up with something that looks like this…

This form of art is also know as ASCII art.  It is the art of taking normal letters, symbols and numbers and laying it out in such a way that a picture is created.

Now if you have a lot of time and patience you can try your hand at it OR you can use an ASCII Art Generator…  upload your picture you want to convert and then specify the size and click generate – no mess no fuss.

I stumbled upon a website called that has an ASCII Art Generator.

I must admit I was pretty impressed with the results. I took a photo from Facebook and then some random Google images and told it to convert for me.  Here is just one example of what it did (squint your eyes if you not getting it…)

Give it a try – you know the ASCII geek in you wants to…

MadMike posted at 2011-3-9 Category: Interesting Finds

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