Competition: 100 Posts!

Today is a milestone for this blog.


This is the 100th post


I would like to thank all of the regular readers (I check the daily site stats) and those giving feedback (you know who you are), without you I have stopped posting and rather have spent evenings in bed watching TV 😆

To celebrate this momentous occasion I will be giving away a small gift to the person that gives the best feedback on this post.  But first you need to answer the following question… Need to figure out how to read the above – check out my post here.

Terms and Conditions:

  1. Competition closes on Sunday 8th May 2011.
  2. My wife will judge who gives the best answer.
  3. I will email the winner and ask for their postal address, and will use the Post Office to send the prize.
  4. You can enter as many times as you like.

Once again thank you for reading and here is to another 100 posts to come!

MadMike posted at 2011-4-24 Category: Competition

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