I’m back … after a LONG absence …

From the Eish! DepartmentThe saying goes that you get so busy that you don’t know if you are coming or going and that is so true!

You may have noticed that my last blog post was in May 2014, when I posted about my LCHF diet and what I was eating for breakfast at that time…ah the good old days…

I was based at the Pretoria office at the firm that I was working at and slowly but surely more and more work was piled onto my plate and eventually I was asked to help out at the Johannesburg office with a major project.   From there, I am sad to say, I started to slip up on my diet … the commute and long working hours meant that I had less time to go for the morning walk, and less time to prepare my meals or go to the canteen to eat breakfast the way I should have.

My blog (this one) , which I do purely for personal enjoyment – contrary to the hundreds of spam saying I should monetize it – started falling behind and sadly I was no longer paying attention to it…

I really did not know if I was coming or if I was going anymore – until now.

In the coming months and weeks I will be start posting again about the adventures I was on during this absence. There are a lot of changes that is happening now in my life and I will share as I go along, but for now know that I am back as best as I can be and hope to keep pushing out the posts in a more regular manner.

Thank you for your patience during my absence – regards  MadMike

PS: for those who posted comments

  1. The Nexa phones sadly I called all over without success and the batteries, screens and spares are about as scarce as hens teeth. I approved a comment by who seems to be one of the vendors where he listed his number, not sure if he can still help.
  2. Regarding the D5 Evo gate motor – if you are in the Gauteng area a gent by the name of Mark used to do security at my previous company he can assist with repairs (011 485-1434), alternatively if you are in Pretoria you can buy replacement controller boards, batteries, remotes etc directly from  Centurion Gate Motors (Address: c17, 2 Meiring Naude Road, Scientia 627-Jr, Pretoria).  They also offer a swop out service on the controller board (an upcoming post for that).
  3. To the gentleman who was very angry about me rating yogurt and calling it a food and how dare I – sorry I still like certain yogurts more than others and it is a food 🙂


MadMike posted at 2018-10-3 Category: Eish!

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